Try Parsley Tea As any herbalist will tell you emmenagogues are a family of herbs that stimulate blood flow in the pelvis and uterus and can sometimes make your period come sooner. Cooling effects of cucumber help delay periods. In this case physical.
Some people believe that vitamin C also called ascorbic acid can induce your period. Add 12 tablespoon of honey and 12 tablespoon of sugar. Natural Progesterone Cream The levels of progesterone rise during the first half of your menstrual cycle. Take raw papaya and peel the skin out. You can also make your period come faster by having sex or relieving stress through exercise or meditation. Pineapple is one of the most cited period-inducing foods.
Your period starts when your uterus begins to shed its lining and pineapple can help speed this process up and get your cycle going sooner.
To start your period on a day you need to place hot water packs on your lower abdomen. With a hot bath or warm compress on the lower abdomen area the period can be prompted. It also helps to reduce pain during the menstrual cycle. This crunchy vegetable is known to have a cooling effect on the body and hence can keep your periods at bay for quite some time. In some cultures it is believed that spicy foods will make your period come sooner. Typically hormonal birth control provides a form.