If you are pregnant ovulation wont occur and your uterine lining wont be entirely shed along with an egg so by definition the bleeding isnt a period. The best time to confirm pregnancy is a week after your period. This is why its important to know how your cycles work.
Every woman is different and while for some the pregnancy test may be positive on the first day of your missed period for others it may not be positive until up to one month after. Hakakha women can bleed in pregnancy for a variety of reasons. Could you be pregnant and not know it. Condoms and pills are the most common choices and they work too. But girls who are pregnant can have other bleeding that might look like a period. Had scan today the nurse and doctor said some women do indeed bleed throughout their pregnancy with no explanation.
Following Your Period While you may assume that you are safe from pregnancy in the first few days following your period you are actually moving into a new fertility window.
If the egg and sperm meet during this time you can become pregnant. If you get your period at the usual time it lasts for the usual amount of days and the amount of blood that you see is pretty typical for you its pretty unlikely that youre pregnant G. Yes its possible but its not likely. I have never felt the need to write a review for any app but this one deserves recognition. Getting pregnant just after your period is unlikely but its not impossible. A period is considered late if it hasnt started within seven days of when you expect it.