If your cycles are regular its likely you ovulate around the same time every month. So if you have a regular 28-day cycle Day 1 would be the first day of your period and you would. The likelihood of this happening however depends again on when you ovulate.
If your cycles are regular its likely you ovulate around the same time every month. A person is most likely to become pregnant in the middle of their menstrual cycle which is when the ovary releases an egg in a. So if you have a regular 28-day cycle Day 1 would be the first day of your period and you would. Do You Ovulate on the Pill. Can you get pregnant while on your period if its the first day of menstruation. In short yes you can get pregnant if you have unprotected sex while youre on your period.
In short yes you can get pregnant if you have unprotected sex while youre on your period.
So if you have a regular 28-day cycle Day 1 would be the first day of your period and you would. If you are having really long cycles or irregular bleeding the chances of becoming pregnant can change because it is less clear where you are in the cycle. Like I said it is very rare to fall pregnant on your period. If you have a short menstrual cycle then you get very little time between the ending of periods and ovulation. While on your period the uterine environment and the hormonal changes that take place during that time are NOT conducive to falling pregnant. Can you get pregnant when youre on your period.